Water Heater Repair & Installation Services in Hillsboro, OR


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Repair & Installation Services

Why Choose Us our Star Water Heater services in Hillsboro, OR ?

At Star Water Heater Repair, we offer responsive emergency support for all your water heater needs. Our team of certified technicians is dedicated to providing quality work guaranteed to satisfy our customers. We understand the importance of having a functioning water heater, which is why we offer same-day repair services. Our commitment to excellence has made us the go-to choice for water heater repair services in Hillsboro, OR. We pride ourselves on our local professionals who adhere to global standards, ensuring that our customers receive the best service possible. Choose Star Water Heater Repair for all your water heater needs.

Water heater malfunctions you may experience include a lack of hot water, strange noises, leaks, and a pilot light that won’t stay lit. These issues can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a faulty thermostat, sediment buildup, a broken heating element, or a damaged tank.

A lack of hot water is a common water heater issue that can be caused by a malfunctioning heating element or thermostat. Sediment buildup can also cause this problem by reducing the efficiency of the heating element.

Strange noises coming from your water heater can be caused by a variety of issues, such as sediment buildup, a loose heating element, or a damaged tank. These noises can range from popping and cracking to hissing and whistling.

Leaks are another common water heater issue that can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a damaged tank, loose connections, or a faulty pressure relief valve. Leaks can be dangerous and should be addressed immediately.

A pilot light that won’t stay lit is a common issue that can be caused by a faulty thermocouple or a clogged pilot tube. This problem can prevent your water heater from functioning properly and should be addressed as soon as possible.

Best service

Exceptional water heater repair for lasting reliability.

24/7 Support

Always here, 24/7 peace of mind support.

Well Experienced

Seasoned experts ensuring top-notch repair solutions.

Types of Water Heater Repair

We specialize in repairing and installing various water heater types, tankless, storage, heat pump, and solar units. Our water heaters are designed for maximum energy efficiency, providing you with endless hot water while keeping your utility bills in check.

Tank Water Heater

Store and heat large volumes of water, providing a consistent supply. Popular and affordable, but can be less energy efficient – lifespan typically 10 to 15 years.

Tankless Water Heater

Heats water on demand, saving energy. Small footprint, longer life (20+ years). Higher initial cost, but is energy-efficient and ideal for small spaces.

Solar Water Heater

Uses sunlight to heat water, reducing energy bills. Environmentally friendly, but expensive initially. Long life (20+ years) and suitable for sunny regions.

Hybrid Water Heater

A combination of tank and tankless technologies for energy efficiency. Lower cost to operate, but higher initial investment. They offer long life (10-15 years), save money, and use less electricity.

Combination Boiler Water Heater

Designed to be compact and efficient, but may require professional installation. Its heating and hot water functions are commonly used in radiant heating systems.

Condensing Water Heater

Captures and uses heat from flue gases for energy efficiency. Higher initial cost, but lower cost of operation. suitable for larger homes, with a 15-20 year lifespan.

Commercial Water Heaters

Designed for large-scale applications. Tank-style or tankless options are available. Higher capacity, durable, but often more expensive. Provides a constant supply of hot water.

Traditional Tank Water Heaters

Traditional container design is costly but less energy efficient. Lifespan around 10-15 years. Regular maintenance is essential for optimal performance.

Gas Water Heaters

Natural gas or propane is used to heat gas water heaters. They are cost-effective, last 10-15 years, and are suitable for various household sizes. require proper ventilation.

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Hot water, cold worries – Trust us to keep your heater running smoothly.